Home Bookkeeping

Money Manager. Money Management for Personal Finances: family budget, expenses, incomes, debits and credits.

What's New

This version is designed for Windows
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Home Bookkeeping for PC. New version!

Version 8.0 - June, 2024
Home Bookkeeping version 7 has been assisting you with your personal finances and family budget for five years. Download new version 8, for 30 days for free and start using it right now! For Home Bookkeeping users – privileged upgrade!
What we have taught the new PC version of our software:
1. «Accounts» section:
Updates: A new «All transactions» tab has been added to the «Accounts» section. This tab displays a list of all transactions made in Household Accounting. This section includes filter and search features. You can print entries from this section as well as export them to a file.
2. «Currencies» section:
Improvements: Support for more currencies. There are more currencies available for use in your daily accounting. You can now select them from the general list of currencies. Version 7 supported only 8 currencies, while version 8 has expanded the number to 15.
3. «Deposits» section:
Tooltips have been added to the explanatory tables of deposits showing the interest rate, amounts of deposits, and amounts added to and deducted from the deposit.
4. «Expense Budget» and «Income Budget» sections:
For purposes of clarity, budget entries that have a zero-sum plan but actually contain expense and income entries are now displayed against a yellow background.
5. Appearance and ease of use
Improvements: Quick search across all table fields. All tables now have a new quick search and filter feature that you can bring up by pressing the key shortcut: Ctrl+F. The new search feature allows you to quickly find any desired entry. You can even do so by typing just a few letters.
Download new version 8 for free and start using it for 30 days free of charge right now! You will develop the good habit of keeping financial records within just 2-3 weeks!